Tuesday 12 January 2016

Keep Painting and Artistic Syle Will Come

After suffering an artistic crisis of confidence over the last few days I decided to go to my favourite place…You Tube. Lisa from Lachri Fine Arts showed up in my search along with someone I wasn’t familiar with, Shoo Rainer.

Lisa's www.youtube.com/watch?v=INGlR2I5NjE main points were:
Your style will come in time.  Just keep working and doing what you love… one day you will have that ah ha moment. But remember when you do find your style, don’t be complacent because you should always strive to be better.

In his video www.youtube.com/watch?v=9umpEl-OlQw
Mr. Rayner described artists in the past who would work for 7 years under a master artist. Then, if lucky, they would go on a journey and visit other places and artists, all while producing new work.

Today we have YouTube, books, t.v., internet and libraries, which makes learning easy. Just keep drawing/painting and know who you are; become an expert in what medium you choose. Paint with passion and drive… your style will come. There will be hurdles but you need to keep working. People who do survive and become famous also have doubt but they keep pushing to keep moving forward practicing and honing their skills.

Both vloggers had great points. It's worth watching the videos yourself because you might take away something more than what I summarized. After watching these videos, I went down to my art table and started painting. Hope this helps and forget dancing…KEEP PAINTING!!!


  1. Hi AnnMarie! Thanks for commenting on my blog! If you were to go back to the beginning (2008), you would see that I was where you are now - learning every day, painting every day, and wondering if I would ever like what I do. I wanted everyone else's style! After awhile, I discovered that I do have a style, whether I like it or not! As I look back, and keep learning, I can see the improvement. So, keep on painting - and every so often look back -- you will find your style! BTW- I think you are doing great!! Love the sailboat!

    1. Thank you Nancy for taking time to write to me, it's nice to have support. I follow your blog and love it.
